
Tre Ore – The Sixth Word – Fr. James McCumminskey SJ – BFD007 Play in new window | DownloadPerfect lenten meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ.  This was recorded in 1975 and spoken by Fr. James McCumminskey at St. Xavier Church in Cincinnati.   As one listener puts it:  “I have to listen to this every year.  Several times.“ Seven episodes in all, expect a…


Tre Ore – The Fifth Word – Fr. James McCumminskey SJ – BFD006 Play in new window | DownloadPerfect lenten meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ.  This was recorded in 1975 and spoken by Fr. James McCumminskey at St. Xavier Church in Cincinnati.   As one listener puts it:  “I have to listen to this every year.  Several times.“ Seven episodes in all, expect a…


The Cosmic Battle of Fr. Phillips (Cantius, Cupich, Graf)

Curious timing and planned events around the reinstatement of Fr. Graf make one wonder if Cupich was sending a message to the Canons Regular…


Tre Ore – The Fourth Word – Fr. James McCumminskey SJ BFD005 Play in new window | DownloadPerfect lenten meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ.  This was recorded in 1975 and spoken by Fr. James McCumminskey at St. Xavier Church in Cincinnati.   As one listener puts it:  “I have to listen to this every year.  Several times.“ Seven episodes in all, expect a…


Tre Ore – The Third Word – Fr. James McCumminskey SJ. BFD004 Play in new window | DownloadPerfect lenten meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ.  This was recorded in 1975 and spoken by Fr. James McCumminskey at St. Xavier Church in Cincinnati.   As one listener puts it:  “I have to listen to this every year.  Several times.“ Seven episodes in all, expect a…


I Am Done…

I don’t make a practice of leaving the church before the Mass is over. The nuns said we had to stay to the Final Blessing: so it was taught, so it has been done.  I suppose I would leave if the priest preached outright heresy, damned the pro-life movement, or something like that. Al Matt,…


Tre Ore – The Second Word – Fr. James McCumminskey SJ. BFD003 Play in new window | DownloadPerfect lenten meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ.  This was recorded in 1975 and spoken by Fr. James McCumminskey at St. Xavier Church in Cincinnati.   As one listener puts it:  “I have to listen to this every year.  Several times.“ Seven episodes in all, expect a…


Tre Ore – The First Word – Fr. James McCumminskey BFD002 Play in new window | DownloadPerfect lenten meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ.  This was recorded in 1975 and spoken by Fr. James McCumminskey at St. Xavier Church in Cincinnati.   As one listener puts it:  “I have to listen to this every year.  Several times.“ Seven episodes in all, expect a…


Our Model of Penance, Saint Mary of Egypt BFD001 Play in new window | DownloadConfession requires that we make satisfaction for our sins.  This is done by penance.  Penance is a required action of the worthy reception of the Sacrament of Confession.     Says St. Augustine:  “Accuse thyself, and God will excuse thee; excuse thyself and God will accuse thee.” He also says, “Chastise thyself, if thou…


On St. Joseph, Updates, and Another Podcast Feed for Shorts or keep it all together? BFP012

A short update episode with a great passage on St. Joseph, for his feast day today. What to do if you are in an area with no good option for Mass and the Sacraments.