Blessed Mother
The Most Powerful Woman
Who, in your perception, is the most powerful woman of our times? Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama, Susan Rice? Some world leader or newsmaking superstar of the silver screen? Their power is fleeting, it is corruptible. There is only one woman with power who holds our very souls in her hands and it is…
Peter Julian Eymard and the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar
God is there, present in His Divine Son, on the altar, captured beneath the tangible appearances of bread and wine. This is the Mystery of our Faith: Christ truly present, body and blood, soul and divinity on the Catholic altars of the world. This is the Corpus Christi celebrated in centuries-old liturgies and neighborhood processions. …
Comparing Barron and Bellarmine on Luther
I think it’s worth it to compare yesterday’s news of Bishop Barron’s praise of Luther to St. Robert Bellarmine’s opinion of Martin Luther. In yesterday’s post about Barron’s post on Luther, I made several comments about Luther’s attacks on the Blessed Mother. Some thought I was wrong on this point. Father Hardon, when discussing the Blessed…
Lionizing Heresiarchs: Bishop Barron Praises Luther, Why Not Arius too?
Our English language has truly descended into such fluidity that this whole post is probably not even worth writing. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to say something. Bishop Barron has commented on Martin Luther, and some of the language he selected makes my stomach turn. I’ll get to his thing in a minute… First, let me set the table….
There I was, Minding my Own *** Business, when Dolphins brought an Icon ??!!!
The comedian used to say it: “There I was, minding my own d*#$! business, when all of a sudden…” and he’d spin a story. The best part was that none of it seemed like it could fit together. To this day, I will still say it like that comedian because it makes me laugh… So, there you…
Except through Mary… Mediatrix has Nothing to do with Medjugorje
Let me comment on this first: The title of Mary as Mediatrix of all Grace has nothing to do with Medjugorje. There, I got that out of the way. I have to grind that axe when the opportunity presents. Back in 1891, Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical on the Rosary, Octobri Mense, in which he…
The Beginning of the 100th Anniversary of Fatima is Confusing
If I mention Fatima to you, what would you mention first? (Yes, I mean this literally not as a rhetorical question. Say whatever it is). I think it is wild how vast the responses would be: Maybe you would tell me about whether Russia was consecrated. Fourth Secret anyone? Akita and its message (I’m guilty of this, but…
Maria Magnificata. Short Meditations for May, the Month on Our Lady’s Life.
Maria Magnificata. Short Meditations for May, the Month on Our Lady’s Life. PREFACE. These meditations in miniature are intended for the month of May or October, or to accompany the recital of the Thirty Days’ Prayer. They are founded on the chief incidents in our Lady’s life as recorded in Holy Scripture or handed down…
Good Friday Audio: The Story of St. Mary of Egypt
If you are looking for something fruitful to consider on Good Friday today, in addition to the Stations of the Cross and the lent meditations we have, this little audio is a refreshing story of just what Christ purchased by suffering the Cross, the spitting, the insults, and death for us. In the prayers for…
Maximilian Kolbe, Saint For Our Times
A Vignette of stories about St. Maximilian Kolbe, whose total consecration to Mary paves the way we can follow and become superheroes like him! by Brother Francis Mary FI