Forum Asides

Mocking the Church, Modern Style

Political correctness be damned. This is absurd. At some point, you have to tell people, “Go home, girls, you’re drunk!”  Even at the risk of sounding like the old guy yelling “Get off my lawn!” Fantasyland is rife with new players everyday. It doesn’t really need much explanation — for a church that no longer believes…


Friday Penance Fail

Sometimes you just can’t win.


Who is Laughing Now? R.I.P. Rev. Richard P. McBrien

Years and years ago, I remember listening to Bill Marra and Fr. Micelli talk on the Catholic shows they did, and frequently they’d discuss Fr. McBrien and nearly every time the topic of his work came up, they’d compare the past of Notre Dame to what it had become. I miss those kinds of guys, with…


On Feast of St. Andrew: Francis & Bartholomew sign joint declaration

Not leaving the occassion of being in Turkey on the Feast of St. Andrew untapped, Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew signed a resolution affirming that it continues to be a priority to seek answers to the conundrum of Orthodox separation. Radio Vatican reports the following as the text of the declaration. I, for myself, am always…


The Feast of St. Andrew

While our minds should rightly turn towards the First Sunday of Advent, don’t forget the Feast of St. Andrew (November 30). The brother of St. Peter and one of Our Lord’s Apostles. Fr. Reginald Foster, OCD, former Papal Latinist gives us a perspective on one of the great relics of Christendom–Andrew’s head!  (I’ve written about an aspect…


What? Moscow helps Paris fund Notre Dame Christmas tree?

Yesterday, Russia Today released a story that is probably lost on Americans, most of whom have only dim faint lines of history.  Catholics, however, particularly anyone with a mild knowledge of Fatima, are keenly aware of Russia’s role in the 20th century. Back in the 1700’s, France and Russia got into a knock-down drag out…


On Meetings of Bishops (This should be shared and Tweeted far and wide!)

If I should write the truth, I believe that I ought to flee all meetings of bishops, because I have never seen any happy or satisfactory outcome from any council, nor one that has deterred evils more than it has occasioned their acceptance and growth. (St Gregory of Nazianzus, Letter 131 from 382 AD; cf….


Eternal Rest: Father Benedict Groeschel – Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

Today, on the Solemn feast of St. Francis, The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal report that Father Groeschel went to sleep in the Lord. October 3 is the feast of St. Francis and there is little doubt that Fr. Groeschel spent his life working to know and imitate the founder of the Franciscan rule, even in creating…


Patriarch Sako Schools American Bishops

“[This American Bishop] is also not experiencing first hand what we are experiencing. In America they put baskets with asylum request forms on church altars during mass. As if the migration of thousands of Iraqi Christians to the US was something to ask God’s blessing for. That’s a strange thing to do and only confuses…


Meanwhile, in China… Government wars against the Cross, Wreckovates

In my dining room, there is an image that came to me after I asked Our Lady for a picture of her to put in the spot where it hangs. I had no idea about Our Lady of Peking, her history of miraculous intercession in China, nor did I know that her devotions had been in…