
Saturday Night Theater: Malachi Martin and William Buckley talk Church in 1978 at the Election of John Paul I

Sit back and listen to a discussion of two good intellectual entertainers talk about the State of the Church in 1978 and the trends affecting the future… 40 years later, it’s telling how well they saw what was coming.


A Kiss for Graf and a Kick for Phillips: Judas in Chicago?

Nobody will convince me that the events whereby Fr. Graf was reinstated were not orchestrated without care and attention to how this series of events would insult the Canons Regular.


You Can’t “Fast” from Facebook – The Three Kinds of Lent Fasting

Fans of St. Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual exercises will enjoy the three kinds of fasts, but more importantly, why there is no such thing as “fasting” from facebook.


Feast of St. Andrew: Time to start your Christmas Novena!!!

The St. Andrew Christmas novena begins today. We have a trick to help you say the novena this year! Free and our pleasure to provide!


“McNullments” and the Homosexual Contagion – Sexual Suicide Played out in Tribunals?

Towards the end of Father Hardon’s life, he gave some talks on the concept of sexual suicide (previously covered at this post). Rooted in Marxism, and focused on destroying the family, the gist is that divorcing sexual activity from procreation destroys the family, and hence society. Father Hardon said, “The feminists, homosexuals, and pornographers as a…


Cupich Sends Bishop to Force Parish Priest onto Street: Quotes of how he did this to a seminarian

Mahound’s Paradise, a Chicagoland staple, reports that the auxiliary Bishop Marc Bartosic barged into Resurrection Parish unannounced and forcibly removed Fr. Paul Kalchik.  He didn’t put his hands on the priest to force him. Rather, he reportedly told the priest that he had minutes to pack his things and vacate or the police would be called…


Book Gives Recordings of Cupich as Rector, Homosexual Subculture at Josephinum Seminary

I’ve been fascinated by car wrecks, explosions, catastrophic accidents and over the top forensics for a long time. As a kid, the idea of Quincy M.E. piecing together a mystery from the hint of a piece of material found blew my mind. As I got older, I found out that pathology like Quincy requires being around decayed…


Akita: The Battle Line of the Homosexual Contagion is Communion in the Hand.

Now that the detente in the church has been ripped open by the Vigano report, we need to reassess what the battle field really looks like. In 1973, Our Lady appeared to a nun in Japan. She warned that unless men repent, fire would fall from heaven and the good with the bad would perish….


The Proclamations of Cardinal Cupich: Preservation is Bad

Still can’t figure out why Cardinal Cupich removed Fr. Phillips? This little stroll through his lectures and history should make it crystal clear what Cardinal Cupich is Proclaiming to us: Cross the bridge to AmChurch, give up Preserving your cherished traditions, or get out.


Did USCCB Inclusive Language Cause the Androgynous Mess at Humanae Vitae’s 50 year Anniversary?

Today is the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae. For us, we know the truth is the truth today as it was then. It predicted the mess of problems we see today. Several news outlets are carrying articles today about the fact that the #MeToo movement, where women speak out about sexual abuse and label it with the #MeToo…