Regular Contributions

The Most Powerful Woman

Who, in your perception, is the most powerful woman of our times? Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama, Susan Rice? Some world leader or newsmaking superstar of the silver screen? Their power is fleeting, it is corruptible. There is only one woman with power who holds our very souls in her hands and it is…


Mother Seton, Valiant Woman

Wife, mother, convert, founder, saint. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton had it all, experienced it all: wealth, renown, the fullness of this life; shattering sorrows, persecution, and devastating illness.


Is Modernism Dead?

Anymore words don’t mean much in the English language. “Modernism” is a word that I think had sharp meaning a century ago, but it seems like it’s just a vague reference these days. It’s diluted partially by other uses of modernism in the world, such as the art movement of the same name. When we…


Epiphany Announced the Battle of Church and State: Pilate, King Herod, and the Slaughter of Faith

What did the Magi do that Herod’s Priests and Scribes did not? And how Epiphany starts the battle of Church and State – like abortion and Holy Communion


Christ’s love heals the world: Celebrating the Jubilee Year of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

American Catholics finally have something to be joyful about and celebrate. This year marks the 75th Anniversary of the canonization of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, the first American citizen declared a saint by the Roman Catholic Church.  It surprises and saddens me is that many American Catholics today have no idea who she is. Maria Francesca Cabrini was born in 1850 in Sant’Angelo Lodigiano in…


Officious Interlopers Stoke Fight with Cupich over Cantius

“I didn’t ask for that,” says Mr. X, speaking to me on terms of anonymity, “these people showed up on my lawn with their incitement of a fight with the Cardinal. I don’t know them, they don’t belong here, and I didn’t ask for their help.” CHICAGO, IL. Parishioners of St. John Cantius arrived to…


Is It Impossible?

As the media hammers the bishops and present false tenets of Catholicism, will our bishops turn to Jello before writing on the Blessed Sacrament?

selective focus photo of brown and silver rosary

If Lepanto Happened Today…

Could Lepanto happen today? Or would we be told to stand down and stop being so rigid?


He Said What?

The ink was hardly dry on the US Supreme Court decision on the Texas abortion law when the abortionists were screaming foul. And who was leading the pack? President Joseph Biden. He issued a statement. Did he actually write it or just nod his head in agreement, basically the same thing as reading someone else’s…



A small reflection on Sunday’s reading in light of the times we find ourselves in.