John B. Manos

Dormition icon detail showing the sliced hands of Anthonius

Mary’s Assumption Stands to Disprove Gnosticism: You aren’t Dragging yourself, or anyone else, to Heaven

Some time ago, and throughout the years, I’ve heard various people say, “I want to drag souls to Heaven.” I’m sure that in the cases where I’ve heard it, the person didn’t realize what they were saying. They can’t drag themselves, let alone anyone else, to Heaven! If we take that phrase literally then it…


Lutherans Discuss Fr. Sauppé’s Article — Matt Abbott Tips His Hat

It’s pretty interesting that our post from Fr. Sauppé continues to capture people’s interest and stir discussion in so many places. Today, a Missouri Synod Lutheran page linked to it, and nearly 1000 people came to read and discuss whether contraception is really at the heart of the mess. A few blog posts have spun off of…


The Transfiguration shows that Baptism changes us? Why were Moses and Elijah there? (they fasted)

When Moses returned from the mountain with the tablets of the commandments, we are told that his face shone (the Douay Rheims reports that his face was horned). Moses did not even see the Lord face to face, but yet his body was changed, literally. Today, on the feast of the Transfiguration, we read the Peter,…


Suffering the Ignorant Orthopraxis of Our Day

One of the things I really like about how God ordered this world is precisely how unassuming some of the greatest things He has worked really are to the passer by.  If you didn’t look, you wouldn’t notice.  It’s so easy to take them for granted until you look with the eyes of faith that…


Gay Marriage is ‘A Sign of Apocalypse’: Russian Patriarch Kiril Speaks His Mind

In America, we are all too familiar with the scene where one person speaks their mind and states an opinion contrary to what others perceive to be the “correct” thing to say. Immediately, that person will be jumped on verbally and accused of being any various number of things, “arrogant,” “intolerant,” or worse, sometimes they…


Magazine – The Public Face of Vatican II: Change

The Summer 2013 Volume III, Issue 2 is out in the wild! Continuing our theme for the Year of Faith, where Pope Benedict XVI has given us a tool to unravel the false reforms conducted “in the spirit of Vatican II.”  Our focus is on the goal of the Year of Faith:  A true renewal of…


If that was yesterday… Marriage catechism needs updated

From the old Baltimore Catechism… My how times have changed… That’s not even scratching the surface of Our Lord’s words: Have ye not read, that he who made man from the beginning, Made them male and female? (Matt. xix. 4). Yet, people have hinged all their happiness on the idea that marriage is something different….


Some People think ‘Losing Their Head’ is the Way to Imitate John the Baptist

Was John the Baptist a mere political activist, speaking truth to power? Why did St. john the Baptist survive death threats when Peter wilted at mere questions from bystanders? How and what can we learn from St. John the Baptist on his feast? What does he tell us about religious liberty?


Acrobats, Daredevils, and … “Thank You, Jesus”?

This evening, Discovery Channel aired a two hour special wherein Nik Wallenda walked across the Grand Canyon on a tightrope, with no fall protection. The Wallenda family is several generations deep of acrobats, and tight wire performances. They aren’t amateurs at this sort of performance, but I was taken aback by something different. Besides Joel Osteen being…


Did Cardinal Pacelli (Pius XII) really say this?

Sometimes bombshell quotes sound just a little too good. Pius XII supposedly said we’d be searching for Our Lord in our own Churches as Mary Magdalen did… or did he?