John B. Manos
BAM! Paprocki Drops a Knee on the Head Bob crowd
Thank God! Do you hear the sound? (bam!) That’s the sound of a knee being dropped. In a pastoral letter, Ars celebrandi et adorandi, given to his diocese on June 22, Bishop Paprocki says it: “the proper reverence to the Blessed Sacrament is ‘to bend the knee,’ to genuflect.” THANK GOD! On Bending the Knee Wait! Do you hear the…
Garabandal Surprise: Eternal rest, Joey Lomangino.
Glenn, a “staff member” of the Mother of God Forums reports: June 18, 2014 – Joey Lomangino has passed away. | Mother of God: “June 18,2014 – Joey Lomangino 53 years ago today, St. Michael the Arch[a]ngel appeared in Garabandal. Today unfortunately, this is not as happy an occasion. It is with a broken heart,…
Fr. Hardon’s Analysis of Bellarmine will help you Defeat the Devil
If you ever listened to Fr. Hardon in real life, or you’ve heard the tapes, CDs or recordings of his, you know the clues he’d give you in the middle of a sentence, “but… what a crucial adversative this is… but… without exception.” He’d grab your attention and get you to pay attention. He had other…
Insanity: Catholic Women Priest Group ordains six in emotional ceremony despite knowledge of impossibility
Inclusiveness is the watchword for those who want error to be normal. Sanity is “the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner.” Older definitions use the word “Reason” to suggest the faculty of the mind that can discern what is real and what is not. It’s no more possible to ordain…
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Arrives in Israel to Meet with Pope Francis
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Arrives in Israel to Meet with Pope Francis | News from Greeks in Africa, Asia, and South America: “His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, spiritual leader of over 300 million Orthodox Christian faithful worldwide, arrived in Israel today in order to meet with Pope Francis on May 25 and 26, 2014 in the…
Francis: Even Aliens are Subject to Jesus, not the other way around
The Bomb tossed into the room of society This past Monday, Pope Francis captured the imagination of the world with his comments during his homily at Casa Maria. Said the Pope: If tomorrow an expedition of aliens from Mars arrives…and one of the green ones with long nose and big ears, like those which children…
God Arises, His Enemies Scatter (False Ecumenism at Harvard)
Harvard takes False Ecumenism to its natural end I was rather curious as the news came out last week that a group at Harvard wanted to “study” a satanic ritual. I was surprised that anybody would be surprised that ivy league schools host satan worship. Ever heard of Skull and Bones? That black flag with…
And who says Rome doesn’t pay attention?
Ouch. Cardinal Gerhard Müller lays down the law to the wayward LCRW. He actually smacks the point several ways over, but here’s a highlight that focuses on Gnosticism (which is all over the church with so many faces these days): It saddens me to learn that you have decided to give the Outstanding Leadership Award…
What Does Easter mean TO YOU?
Do you believe in the resurrection, in Easter? I mean it, have you considered that because Jesus destroyed death from the inside out, that everything is different now? If you’ve kept a fast for lent, you have some natural feeling of this. Today, you’ve had your restraints unchained and you’ve tasted (literally) a new freedom. That is…