
What Has the Pro-Life Movement Accomplished Since 1973?

By John Jansen In the opening scene of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, we see Our Lord enduring the Agony in the Garden, and the devil telling Him, “No one man can carry this burden… It is far too heavy. Saving their souls is too costly.” Working in the pro-life movement, we often…


Save the Date!

Our very own Chris Manion, Director of the Campaign for Humanae Vitae, will be speaking at this important conference:


From Under the Rubble…Defining Conservatism Down

Every New Year the usual suspects on the Left generously offer their advice on how to preserve and protect the Republican Party. This time around, two of the liberal media’s anointed “conservatives,” Peter Wehner and Michael Gerson, take their turn. In several recent offerings, these co-authors attack the Tea Party and insist that, to “save…


From Under the Rubble…Why Can’t We Just Leave?

“The problem our nation faces is very much like a marriage in which one partner has an established pattern of ignoring and breaking the marital vows.” So writes Walter Williams, one of the world’s most sensible economists. But don’t hold that against him: he’s also a realist. When the offending partner will not reform, he…


The Feast of the Epiphany and the Annual House Blessing

Time for the annual blessing of the house and the Feast of the Epiphany! Consecrate your home and family anew as we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord.  Click for the prayers for the house blessing!  


The Last Day of 2013–Te Deum Laudamus

Well, dear friends, it is the last day of the calendar year and we are still within the Octave of Christmas which means that we should still be celebrating as if it were Christmas Day! To that end, we wish to make you, our readers, aware of one of the great traditions of the Church and…


Footnote 61: Tim Carney Play in new window | DownloadMost sensible people are tired of the Prestige Media and its lapdog liberals. Fortunately, there’s one Washington reporter who actually knows what he’s doing.


From Under the Rubble…Father Time

  “The Holy Father lives in Rome, Why won’t Daddy live at home?” Welfare Lullaby It’s been a great year for the Holy Father. But a lot of fathers haven’t been so lucky. Or so holy. “In 1960, fewer than one in 10 children lived in a single-parent home,” writes Dr. Patrick Fagan, one of…


Footnote 60: Dissidents Play in new window | DownloadDissident Catholics are a curious bunch. They reject the teaching authority of the Church, they can’t say the Creed honestly, and yet they insist on calling themselves “Catholic” and demand that the Church change its teachings to accommodate them. Can you figure them out?


From Under the Rubble…Cardinals, Ducks, and Quacks

It’s that time of year again, and the Secular City is raising Hell. But Hell doesn’t exist, remember? Well, it does when it comes in handy. Now the Thought Police want to throw the New Testament into the Saint Stephen’s Day bonfire of outmoded inanities. Last summer, the party bosses in Secular City branded “Who…