
The Totalitarianism of Equality

Even though I have differed in some conclusions from the late Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J. in discussing the life of the Church in the context of the United States, I have always agreed with his proper framing of the question: The question is sometimes raised, whether Catholicism is compatible with American democracy. The question is…


Catholics and the Common Core State Standards: FAQs answered by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

The controversy over Common Core State Standards that is raging across the country has not spared Catholic dioceses, which are also wrestling over whether to implement them. When challenged, some dioceses point to the support they have received from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the bishops’ national bureaucratic arm. (recall our coverage…


God Arises, His Enemies Scatter (False Ecumenism at Harvard)

Harvard takes False Ecumenism to its natural end I was rather curious as the news came out last week that a group at Harvard wanted to “study” a satanic ritual. I was surprised that anybody would be surprised that ivy league schools host satan worship. Ever heard of Skull and Bones? That black flag with…


From Under the Rubble…The GOP’s Liberty Problem

Long ago, Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum won the admiration of conservatives for his unstinting support of human life. His memorable speeches in opposition to partial-birth abortion on the Senate floor flummoxed liberals while they firmly established his reputation as the go-to guy for pro-life issues. While GOP insiders and neocons are famous for betraying pro-lifers…


From Under the Rubble…Catholics, War, and Unintended Consequences

The recent unpleasantness in eastern Ukraine recalls a nagging truth: Wars always bring unintended consequences, and Americans have seen plenty of them, firsthand. In 1916, Woodrow Wilson won reelection on the slogan, “He Kept Us Out Of War!” But Wilson wanted war, and, five months later, he got it. In October 1940, late in the…


And who says Rome doesn’t pay attention?

Ouch. Cardinal Gerhard Müller lays down the law to the wayward LCRW. He actually smacks the point several ways over, but here’s a highlight that focuses on Gnosticism (which is all over the church with so many faces these days): It saddens me to learn that you have decided to give the Outstanding Leadership Award…


Remnant Newspaper Guilty of Trying to be Funny (!)

Earlier tonight I received a frantic call from Elisabeth Harschenfarger, a dear reader from the lands of snow who isn’t prone to hysterics. Tonight was different. She says, “I think something is wrong with the people at the Remnant.”  I immediately agreed, but she corrected me. “No, no. I’m not talking about them being sticks in the mud. We all…


Beyond Common Core: Transformation from a family-centered society to a society-centered family begins with a community hub

Being on the email list of veteran education researcher and author Charlotte Iserbyt is like being in the passenger seat next to a particularly fast driver. As uncomfortable as the position may be, jumping out of the car would be worse. This is the agenda to expand education into Limited Learning for Lifelong Labor. Iserbyt…


From Under the Rubble…The Persecution Complex

In early April, Pope Francis warned Catholics that proclaiming the Gospel comes with a price, the price of persecution. “There will always be persecutions, misunderstandings,” he said. “But Jesus is Lord and this is the challenge and the Cross of our faith. May the Lord give us the grace to go on His path and,…


The Canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII and “Traditionalist” Pusillanimity

On this Quasimodo ( Dominica in albis, Low, and Divine Mercy) Sunday, I am shocked at the pusillanimity of some of the so-called traditionalists in the Church. A great gift has been given to the whole of the Church with SS. John XXIII and John Paul II and yet, some traditionalists foment an attitude of “hunkering down”…