John B. Manos
A Different Take on Laudato Si: The Church Could Change a Lot Directly
It shouldn’t surprise Bellarmine Forum readers that I’ll have an opinion posted here regarding Pope Francis’s Laudato Si encyclical forthcoming. Readers may not be aware of my background as a chemical engineer, environmental work (even worked for the Army Corps of Engineers on water quality), and that I was an Assistant Attorney General in Michigan for…
Do Something to Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus Today on the Feast
Today, the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi, is the feast of the Sacred Heart. Sometimes, the feast is held on this following Sunday. The short story of the feast is explained in my trusty old catechism: A single word of Christ would have fully sufficed to redeem us, but it was not enough to…
Calling Jesus a Liar: Anglican Style (which is twenty years behind AmChurch fashion trends)
It was over twenty years ago, at a daily Mass in Cincinnati (the head of the AmChurch hydra), when I first heard someone try to pray the “Our Mother” prayer. They also liked to say the Suscipe with the fantasy option, ending it with the “her Church.” [that was the older english form at the time, so naturally it…
The Fix is in: World Russian Council calls to remove abortions from the system of mandatory medical insurance
One of the earliest things the Bolsheviks did after destroying churches in an ISIS fashion was legalize abortion. In 1920, they cried that women were procuring back street illegal abortions and all they wanted to do was make it safe. They made a law permitting it to be performed in hospitals. Note the logic, the incremental approach. The initial…
Pentecost and the Church of Tommorrow
One thing I notice that’s different today from when I was a kid is that there doesn’t seem to be anymore fiction geared towards tomorrow that isn’t dystopian. Sure, I was still a tyke when the movie Logan’s Run came out about a world in the future where people that hit thirty were euthanized, yet others ran…
Father Hardon: Stop Communion in the Hand Now!
I often forget that the things that were common knowledge in the 90s are forgotten or ignored today. It becomes apparent when discussing communion in the hand, as I did the other day in the neopaganism article, or as I have in other contexts over the past few years, that people generally believe now that…
Four Year Old Lily Gets it, Do You?
There’s just some things that you come across and you know it’s something really special. I was glad that the Wold family let me share with you here a special story from their four year old daughter, Lily. Debra, Lily’s mom, shared on Facebook that last night after dinner, Lily got up from the table, walked…
New Lies For Old: Fr. Hardon Explains Neopaganism as Our Dechristianized Reality
Get you coffee, tea, or favorite beverage, and plan to spend a while learning one of Father Hardon’s master points on the state of modern man and the anti-religion we face, even within the Church. A massive post, it has analysis of the new religion we face today and why so many are unhappy following it but cannot escape.
What this Russian Defense Minister did Shames American Catholics
I was tickled yesterday when someone sent me a link to this article and highlighted that us Catholics used to do this. In Russia, however, it seems that Catholic practices are proudly public again (unlike here). Reports Russian media: Before beginning the Victory Day Parade in Moscow’s Red Square, Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoygu crossed himself. The journalists…
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Bellarmine, and Fatima
There is always a little magic it seems in the feast days of Mother church. It’s not really magic, not in the sense of Simon Magis, but magic in the sense of little special things and connections — some might call it serendipity. I think it’s more to do with the actual intercession of the saints honored…