John B. Manos

The Wreckovators say the silliest things… Our Saviour NYC Sanctuary Lamps gone for a year “for cleaning”

Last year, when the wreckovation of Our Saviour parish in NYC began, one the early things that happened, in addition to the things I mentioned here, was that the new pastor said that the sanctuary lamps had been removed, “for cleaning.” Mr. Samuel J. Howard provided me with the following picture of the BEFORE, notice…


From Whence the AmChurch Name Comes and its Dictionary

In the wake of John Paul II’s celebrity and the tide of hope Pope Benedict brought to many who long for plain chant, reverence, and clear succinct catechetical materials, there is a creature of machinery long forgotten. This beast of a machine used to present itself as the future of the Church, progressing headlong into…


The Return of AmChurch? – New York at Center of Suspension of Sheen’s Cause

With recent news from New York it is strange that today the Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, Bishop of Peoria and President of the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation, announced that the Cause for Sheen’s beatification and canonization has for the foreseeable future been suspended. Just two years ago, on September 9, 2012, a…


The Forensics of an AmChurch hit on a Good Parish – Our Savior NYC fits

I read the news about Our Savior church in New York city, and I pour over emails I’ve received in the past year and it reminds me of the other times I’ve watched a successful traditional parish destroyed. Let’s not pull any bones here — when you read the letter Fr. Rutler wrote when he was…


Who Needs Isis? AmChurch Meat Grinder Hitting Our Saviour Church NYC?

Another thing I’ve seen over and over for the past twenty years and more is the politely stated, politically correct, and sensitive velvet glove that is worn on the outside of a giant destructive machine known as AmChurch. These guys come in with a smile and speak of pastoral needs, concern for the poor, and…


‘Mass mob’ reveals the Truth about AmChurch

For years, at least 10, more like 20, I’ve been astounded at how few people are at Mass. I’ve lived in Big cities. I’ve seen a few parishes with high attendance, but been scandalized by the degraded carnival-like parade of busybodies to which some of those had devolved. In the middle of all of that, there is something…


Crawling to Church for the Feast (from The Pappas Post)

The faithful on the Greek Island of Tinos celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary today, thousands of pilgrims visit the church, many crawling in reverence to the Virgin Mary.   (1) The Pappas Post – Timeline Photos. Do you do anything special for today’s feast? See the post here: Post by…


The Dormition (Assumption) of Mary from Around the World

It always surprises me when somebody makes the claim that the Pope invents theology and tries to support their claim by pointing to the dogmatic pronouncement of the Assumption (Dormition) of Mary. A brief little tour of cathedrals and icons dedicated to this feast shows that the Dormition is a part of Christianity to the very…


Since When is The Sign of Peace Protected?

Some things I really don’t understand. I’m glad I’m just a lay person that doesn’t have responsibility to safeguard and preserve the traditions of Mother Church in her public worship of God (i.e. the liturgy), like the salt in last Friday’s gospel. I read stories like this about the sign of peace and it blows my mind. Fair…


Life: Unborn and Forsaken. Bellarmine Forum Magazine Volume IV Issue 2

In this second issue on Life, we discuss the topics nobody likes to mention. Babies are being treated like totaled cars and sold for parts — yes, baby body parts for sale. Abortion and the Way of the World, by Fr. John Paul Erickson The Loss of Moral Language, by Dr. Arthur Hippler Disembodied Reproduction, Dr. Monica Miller Parts…