Ember Days – For Thanksgiving and for Priests
Today* (see note below – there’s some controversy here), this Friday, and this Saturday are days that the Church sets aside for fasting. In modern times, particularly in America, there doesn’t seem to be any fasting imposed — instead a hippy motto of “do whatever you want” prevails, and staring at your navel for a moment seems to suffice. I…
Blasé Cupich?
When I heard of the announcement of the new Archbishop of Chicago this weekend, I checked my Twitter account. I like Twitter for the fact that I have several news sources that give interesting and up to the minute tweets on newsworthy (and sometimes not so newsworthy) items. So, of course, I wanted to check out the…
Meanwhile, in China… Government wars against the Cross, Wreckovates
In my dining room, there is an image that came to me after I asked Our Lady for a picture of her to put in the spot where it hangs. I had no idea about Our Lady of Peking, her history of miraculous intercession in China, nor did I know that her devotions had been in…
A Small Act of Reparation for Offenses to God, such as Public Black Masses
Right about an hour from now, at 7 pm Central time, news has reported that the Oklahoma civic center is “sold out” for an openly satanic event. The organizer of the event claims that they wish to “deprogram people from the harmful brainwashing of Christianity.” Specifically, they had set out to use the things reserved for…
Giving Over the Keys
The Edgewater Beach Apartments are an interesting sight on Chicago’s north side lakefront. Built in 1928, it was part of a complex that housed the famed Edgewater Beach Hotel which was built in 1916. The pink exterior of the building may strike some as gauche, but it was meant to complement the original Edgewater Beach…
In the Name of Mary: Lord God, help!
Not sure about the feast of the Holy Name of Mary? Need an idea for something nice to do for you Mother Mary on this feast to her? Find out what Polish kings, Vienna, and the Pope discovered about Mary, and hear some suggestions from Fr. Hardon.
The Wreckovators say the silliest things… Our Saviour NYC Sanctuary Lamps gone for a year “for cleaning”
Last year, when the wreckovation of Our Saviour parish in NYC began, one the early things that happened, in addition to the things I mentioned here, was that the new pastor said that the sanctuary lamps had been removed, “for cleaning.” Mr. Samuel J. Howard provided me with the following picture of the BEFORE, notice…
From Whence the AmChurch Name Comes and its Dictionary
In the wake of John Paul II’s celebrity and the tide of hope Pope Benedict brought to many who long for plain chant, reverence, and clear succinct catechetical materials, there is a creature of machinery long forgotten. This beast of a machine used to present itself as the future of the Church, progressing headlong into…
The Return of AmChurch? – New York at Center of Suspension of Sheen’s Cause
With recent news from New York it is strange that today the Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, Bishop of Peoria and President of the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation, announced that the Cause for Sheen’s beatification and canonization has for the foreseeable future been suspended. Just two years ago, on September 9, 2012, a…
Not So FAST… It really is about politics.
The website of the Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan in Clearwater, Florida carries information about Faith and Action for Strength Together (FAST), which is a congregation-based community organization in Pinellas County, Florida, operating within the DART network. The page concerning FAST states: “The organization is not political but rather, it is biblical.”(1) This assertion…