The Overlooked Power of the Maid of Lisieux: St. Therese, Doctor of the Church
A couple of years ago, I was invited to participate in Facebook chat with some highly intelligent, very well educated Catholic men. It remains a mystery to me as to how I included, since I was not even remotely qualified to participate in the discussion. I imagine this is why I cannot recall what the…
PAPAL VISIT REPORT: Biblical Reflections on Seeing a Pope
Like many this past week, I was blessed to have the rare opportunity to see Pope Francis up close and personal during his U.S. tour. I’ve seen friends and acquaintances share their stories of their varying successes in seeing the Pope. Some got outside the U.S. Capitol building and saw him as a distant dot in a…
Fr. Hardon on St. Michael the Archangel
Over the past nine days, we’ve had the novena to St. Michael on our Facebook page, with each day posting in the mornings. St. Michael is so many things, from assistant to the Blessed Mother at Fatima, to stalwart captain of the Heavenly Army, declaring to Satan, “Who is like God?” Given our situation today, where…
Happy Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine!
It’s our name day, and we are pleased to have such a powerful intercessor for the Bellarmine Forum. St. Bellarmine, besides being a doctor of the Church, is well noted among us for his continual highlighting the extent to which God went over and above all bounds in the things He has done, and does,…
NFL JUSTICE: Roger Goodell, Zeus, and the Justice of God
The NFL’s punishment of its players has been in the news quite a bit recently, and while NFL players getting in trouble is nothing new, the past year has seen a shift in focus. While the actions of the players are still the focal point of the coverage, there has been increasing scrutiny on how the…
Misguided Ecumenism 30 years later: Peter Kreeft says the Catholic Church Must Become More Protestant
When I was in grade school, there was a movement in the parish where my Catholic school was that happened alongside the push for “RENEW” — the “Gym” Mass. A young hippy priest, Fr. Tom, came in and decided that us kids didn’t like pews and pipe organs and traditional hymns, so they’d have Mass with…
The Problem with the Prevenient: Low Expectations are Killing the Faith
by Guest Author, Fr. Anthony C. Neusch “The most important lesson that you can learn in this class is this: ‘Children will succeed at the level of your expectations, if you are willing to help them attain success.’” It was the most important thing I have ever learned, and it wasn’t said in any of the…
Russia To Build World’s Largest Statue of Jesus next to China, North Korea, Japan
When I was just coming out of law school, Tom Monaghan had been working on the concept of a University in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The planning and zoning commission had never received the updated area impact study, or developmental impact plans, I forget which part, but I remember going to the planning office and looking at the…
The Legacy of Junípero Serra
Guest Patrick Laurence presents a realistic examination of Serra’s contribution to the Native Americans versus what the secular State might have done and did.