
The Rise of the Machines (and the Fall of Man)

A little over sixty years ago, J.R.R. Tolkien defined what he meant by a machine: By the [ word “machine”] I intend all use of external plans or devices (apparatus) instead of development of the inherent inner powers or talents — or even the use of these talents with the corrupted motive of dominating: bulldozing the real world,…


The Strength of His Arm

Every time I’ve been to Rome, I’ve always made a point to visit the Church of the Gesu. Perhaps the best example of baroque art and architecture in the world, it is a monument to a triumphant Church confident in the truths of the Creed and in the Kingship of her Lord. It appeals to the senses…


From Under the Rubble…Rush to Judgment

Rush Limbaugh is mad as Hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore. But he’s not shooting at his usual targets. Of all things, Rush is mad at the Pope. That’s Pope Francis, the new guy on the block who, for all we know, might be even more popular than Rush. Megadittos, Papa Francesco! It…


The Catechism of Hockey–“Check” It Out!

It is a pleasure for the Bellarmine Forum to take part in this “blog tour” of an important new book just recently published!  Readers of the Bellarmine Forum may know Alyssa Bormes as a woman whose life was changed through her reading of Humanae Vitae.  Indeed, as she says, “Humanae Vitae changed my life!”  She…


Footnote 56: Bread for the World Play in new window | DownloadMany groups raising money to “fight poverty” are actually using contributions to hire lobbyists in Washington. Does this meet the “Truth in Advertising” standard?


Hanukah: Prequel to the Gospels

Ever wonder why Catholics insist on keeping the books of the Maccabees in her bibles while everyone else keeps throwing them out? It’s a pretty wild story, one far better than George Lucas could cook up! Never look at hanukkah the same after this muse by Major Frey.


Pope Francis: no disposable people

Thank God! I love this quote as it is nearly verbatim what I’ve said for years now! Human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded. We have created a “disposable” culture which is now spreading. He’s right! He continues: It is no longer simply about exploitation and oppression, but something…


The Perfect Ecclesial Storm

by Fr. Mark Pilon The Holy See has sent out a survey or questionnaire on the topic for the next Synod of Bishops, the family, and the bishops have been instructed to give it the widest possible distribution. So some dioceses in Great Britain have already put it online, and dioceses everywhere will soon send…


How Anglicans (and Some Catholic Bishops) Think?

A brief news item today heralded the apocalyptic musings of the former Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey.  According to a FOX News Report, the former Anglican Archbishop, then second only to the Queen as Head of the Church of England, commented:  “Christianity is just a ‘generation away from extinction’ in Britain unless churches have a breakthrough in…


The Feast of Christ the King (2013)

Today is the last Sunday of the liturgical year–The Feast of Christ, King of the Universe. In the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite today is celebrated the Last Sunday after Pentecost, Our Lord speaks of the end of time, of the need to beware of false Christs and false prophets, of the “abomination of desolation”…