Catholic Dictionary: Menticide?
I was looking for something recently in my copy of Fr. John Hardon’s Modern Catholic Dictionary when I noticed an entry that caught my eye: Menticide. Mind killing. “The systematic effort to break down the beliefs and allegiances of a person by physical or psychological means, in order to substitute one’s own. Also called brain-washing, it…
From Under the Rubble…Landmines in the Path of Dialogue
On August 20, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI insisted in Cologne that “Interreligious and intercultural dialogue between Christians and Muslims … is, in fact, a vital necessity, on which in large measure our future depends.” But is such a conversation possible? That question is the focus of an important new monograph, The Prospects and Perils of…
A New Roman Question
Being a Latin teacher and an attorney (a deadly cocktail if ever there was one), I read with great interest the reports of Justice Antonin Scalia’s comments this past week of the possibility of the reappearance of internment camps here in the United States. The reason for such reappearance was left vague, other than to mention…
FEMEN and the Gerasene Demoniac… Full of Devils
News today that Femen has raided a cathedral in Spain. They are screaming “Abortion is sacred.” The woman is naked, has an upside down cross painted on her back, violent, and seems to have a problem with identity, “My name is Femen, for we are many.” I can’t help it but to think of the demoniac…
Family Planning as a Component of Early Childhood Education Programs
When National Nuclear Science Labs study how to change the beliefs of your children, the recommendation appears to be sending government agents into your home. Surely the Church would oppose this, right? Stephanie Block reveals one weird program your tax dollars has been conducting by a nuclear science lab.
Feast of St. Blaise
Did you get your throat blessed today? (Church of Saint Agnes, St. Paul, Minnesota)
From Under the Rubble…Il Papa’s Not a Rollin’ Stone
Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Holy See Press Office, has called Rolling Stone’s recent cover story on Pope Francis superficial, negative, and crude. That’s a good start. “The Times They Are A-Changin’, the title preens. And all change is “progress,” right? As we all know from the history of the past 100 years or…
Thoughts about Frank Morriss
Some battles are fought hand-to-hand; others with rifles and bombs. There is open combat, guerrilla warfare, and insidious deals behind closed doors. Frank Morriss will be remembered in none of these venues, but as a warrior all the same. Frank — author, mentor, teacher, family man — was a word warrior, using faith and reason…
From Under the Rubble…Lessons in Tyrrany
In January 2009, two newly-elected Republican governors took the oath of office. Immediately, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell were touted as two of the GOP’s hottest future presidential prospects. Today, they are fallen idols. The feds are investigating Christie. McDonnell and his wife have actually been indicted on federal charges…