St. Joseph

On St. Joseph, Updates, and Another Podcast Feed for Shorts or keep it all together? BFP012

A short update episode with a great passage on St. Joseph, for his feast day today. What to do if you are in an area with no good option for Mass and the Sacraments.


St. Joseph the Superhero

     In these days of super this and super that, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and now Captain Marvelette, it is obvious people are feeling the need for a super something to save them from the evils of life.  Sure the evils in superhero land are robots and space monsters, but inside of us…


March 31st — St. Joseph, Protector of the Faithful

31st Day.— St. Joseph, Protector of the Faithful. 1.  When God bade St. Joseph arise and take the Child and His Mother and fly into Egypt, He was committing unto him, under the guise of Jesus and Mary, the care of the universal Church.  As to Mary were entrusted all Christians in the words, “Woman,…


March 30th — St. Joseph’s Glory in Heaven.

30th Day. —St. Joseph’s Glory in Heaven. 1.  It is an opinion held by many learned theologians that St. Joseph, like Our Lady, enjoys the honor of having had his body raised from the grave at the time of Our Lord’s Resurrection, and that he is present in heaven now, body as well as soul. …


March 29th — St. Joseph’s Happy Death.

29th Day.— St. Joseph’s Happy Death. 1.  Never to any of the children of men did death come so bereft of its terrors as to St. Joseph.  One who had lived so continually in the presence of his God had no cause to fear it.  One whose thoughts, aspirations, hopes, affections.  had always been in…


March 28th — St. Joseph’s Venerable Age.

28th Day.— St. Joseph’s Venerable Age. 1.  St. Joseph during his long life had been fulfilling the meaning of the name he bore with unbroken constancy.  He had been “adding” to the brightness of his virtues and the treasure of his merits with an ever-increasing speed.  In the company of Jesus and Mary he had…


March 27th — St. Joseph’s Purity of Heart.

27th Day.— St. Joseph’s Purity of Heart. “Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.”  One might almost think that Our Lord in uttering these words was thinking of His foster-father.  It was because of his purity of heart that he had the privilege of seeing God face to face under the…


March 26th — St. Joseph’s Prudence.

26th Day. — St. Joseph’s Prudence. Prudence is a virtue that we all value and desire.  Let us look at this virtue in St. Joseph. 1.  St. Joseph never acted on impulse.  He always reflected before acting.  What husband would not have put away his wife without any delay when he discovered that she was…


March 25th — St. Joseph’s Strong Faith.

25th Day.— St. Joseph’s Strong Faith. Faith consists in the ready acceptance of God’s messages tons on His authority.  It is tested by the difficulty of believing, and by the painful consequences to ourselves.  We will try St. Joseph’s faith by these methods. 1.  The first message, which is recorded as having been given to…


March 24th — St. Joseph’s Inner Life.

24th Day. — St. Joseph’s Inner Life. 1.  The inner life of the soul depends on the closeness of the union with God.  None of the saints, save only the holy Mother of God, was ever so closely united to the will of God as St. Joseph.  None so prompt in obedience.  None so perfect…